Past Updates
Apr. 24'02- Here is another pic that I did in p-chat during exam time, I just wanted to do some winter theme stuff. There will be a new comic on Friday. I will try to follow this format were I put up one or two sketches per week, and then the comic on Friday or Saturday.
Apr. 22'02- Here a pic I drew in paint chat, to help relieve some stress due to all the studing I was doing (yeah right). In any case all my exams are done so I'm going to be putting in more time into the comic as well as this website. I have big changes in mind for the lay out.
Apr. 19'02- This is a pic I did way back in grade 11, colouring with cheep markers, damn you copic that I didn't know about you.. It's the girl from Intron Depot (I dont know her name) created by M. Shiro, who has also created Apple Seed and Ghost in the Shell. New comic will be up on next Friday for sure. Gallery will be up dated sometime next week as well, I think I will give this one a digital re-make as well.
Apr. 17'02- This is a set of inked work. The mech on the top left is from Zerynamer of the Heavens (or something like that), the mech below is a Doberman from BGC with a slight arm mod. Lastly most will notice the two characters from Chrono Trigger. Thats Chrono on top and I think Marly on the bottom. I dont quite remeber her name. Look for another image on Friday in colour, on of my better works, in cheap marker.
Apr. 15'02- The image you see above is a pic of Priss' original hardsuit, from Bubblegum Crisis. It's done in marker, before I knew about copic markers, as you can see one of the markers gave out after a while. I'll propably give it a digital face lift so to speak later on. I dont know who makes the series, just letting you know that the orginal concept and art work are not my own.
Apr. 14'02- Starting tommorow, Wed, and Fri, I'll be posting up some of my older work (ie Grades 9-11)I did, some are better than others. You might notice also that some of my older drawings look better than the ones I put up now. Well none of them are originals, {ie I looked at someone elses work and drew it}. It's so much easier when all the angles and lines are done for you not to mention the lighting and shadows.
Apr. 12'02- Yes the image is Bimbo from Explotation Now by Poe(the image is fan art). There I gave credit where its due, if you want to go there, go to the drop down link.
Apr. 11'02- You know what I'm going to put up the image today instead of tommorow, well in about 1.5 hours it will be tommorow. In any case the GALLERY SECTION (page 2) has been updated. Also big news, instead of not putting up anything during exams, I'll be scanning some of my old stuff that I drew and didn't give away when I was really into drawing, you know before school took up all my time, well most of it. So ignore what I said in the pervious message.
Apr. 10'02- It's 3:20am, I finished the image that's going to be up on Friday, no comic sorry. I got exams next week, so the only update will be the comic, on Firday the 19th or Saturday the 20th. After that the next update will be on the 24th or 25th. But who knows I just might draw something small during exams to relieve some stress.
Apr. 09'02- Well comic is up, reason for delay, I was catching up on some important stuff now that I have some free time. What stuff, well sleep mostly last two weeks were killers. A new image will be up some time this week, and will be added to the gallery as well. Also, the killing will start soon, it's taken this long but soon I promise.
Apr. 04'02- The GALLERY section has been updated. A new page has been added to help minimize download times. New comic should be up sometime Saturday. Yeah stating what I said before new format, comics once a week, drawings and the like every other day or so. Next on the agenda is making a new page that has all the comic on it. So you don't have to scroll about to see the whole thing.
Apr. 01'02- I'm going to do something new this month, instead of just saying gallery update, I'll infact post it up here on the main page so you don't have to stare at my comic for one week. Also new comic up this week about Friday or Saturday. Also this Wed. I should have another gallery pic up. Lastly what can I say last month was crazy, out of 21588 hits, about 65% of that came from last month. I only hope to do half as good as that, Cheers.
Mar. 28'02- As promised NEW stuff. I tried Cel style shading and I think it turned out pretty good. Also it doesn't take half as long as CG style. Check the FANART page for the original image, and the steps I take when colouring something.
Mar. 27'02- Well I know what your thinking where the hell are the updates. Well that's cause I been still writing my essay its already late as is, I'll have it handed in by Thursday. So Friday I'll have some major catching up to do. But I have the whole day off, so I'm planing on getting my act together then. On a better note I'm a WINNER in the ChinkMan colouring contest, not to mention I also got HONOURABLE MENTIONonce again with my entry. If you dont beleive me CLICK HERE SUCKA.
Mar. 21'02- Well next week will be a busy one, I'll finally have time to work on this site and all its related activities. I just counted the amount of comics that I have done only 11. Can you believe it? That works out to about 1 comic every 2 weeks. This means come end of exams in Apirl, I'm going to have to put up a comic every 3 to 4 days. In keeping with my new year's resolution of one comic per week.
Mar. 19'02- Long time no update, I'll post up the second step for the gift art that I recieved. My gift art is finnally in Poe's gift art section and it didn't take a month yeah. Since I have an essay to hand in this week there will be no comic this week either, but there will be updates in the gift art section as I colour that cool fan art pic. Oh, and one more thing, it seems that on the 18th I got 1973 hits, thats more hits in one day than I used get in one month.
Mar. 15'02- Only with time zones can this happen, the image is up, Thursday if you are Central and west, and Friday if you are east. In case you are wondering what the holes spell "10,000 HITS". Also those symbols on her back spell GPF, in GS writing. (see terminology). Yeah, I know what your thinking, where are the casings, and the smoke from the barrel. One she uses caseless rounds, some guns today have them, two the smoke you see after a gun is fired only lasts for a few seconds, since this is the future and better matterials are used the barrel doesn't heat up as much hence no smoke. I would love to hear from anyone what they think of the pic. Thanks and have a good weekend.
Mar. 13'02- BOOM the 10K bar has been surpassed, not to mention that I've also beaten last months total hits in just 13 days. As for the 10K hits pic, base colours are in for the most part. All thats left is the highlight and shadows, background and other cool effects. I'm making good on time, by Wed. I should have most of the lighting and shading done. Trust me you won't be disappointed come Friday, or may be Thursday. So check on both days.
Mar. 12'02- YeeeeeHaaaaaa, THANK YOU people. In just 11 days I have beaten my highest month to date. I will have the 10,000 hits image up this week for sure, so far I still need to fix up the lines, almost done. Then the colour and b/g. I'm so tempted to just show you the inked version but I can't spoil it for you.
Mar. 11'02- Seems my slacking off is catching up to me. So no new comic this week, BUT, I will put up a really cool 10,000 hits image. Two I'll finish up that cool piece of Fan Art that I got. Third I have an alternate image of Bimbo Moneymaker (she's got legs and you can see her other arm). Lastly I'll make another Page in the Gallery Section to minimize loading times for those still out there with a 56K (I don't know how you can survive).
Mar. 10'02- Did I say 9pm EST, I ment PST. It's amazing how the computer knows just the right time to freeze up, I mean I was about 2 hours into colouring the comic, and just before I was going to save it, my comp froze. I had to reboot, that put me about 2 hours behind schedual. Lesson for today save often, very often.
Mar. 09'02- Sorry about not getting Fridays comic up on time, but it will be up today for sure. Check about 9pm EST. Other news, in just NINE days I have beaten my previous second highest amount of hits. If things keep up like this I'll beat last month which was my highest to date. What can I say I owe it all to people like you, once again Thank You for coming to my site. Looks like I'll be having to make a 10,000 hits specail pic soon.
Mar. 07'02- GALLERY UPDATE., also later today I'll also post my first piece of fanart, inspired by my L337 colouring skillz. I'll try to put up more banners, in the banner page, but that's not a priority right now. FAN ART PAGE, has been updated with the pic.
Mar. 05'02- Finnally signed up for the Keenspace Top 99. By clicking on the above link you can vote for me. Come on one vote, if I get just one I'll be happy. Hey I know it's a very small goal but I think it's possible.
Mar. 04'02- New page up, I was meaning to put up a banner page for quite some time. Link to me, sucka. Also new comic should be up by Friday or Saturday.
Mar. 03'02- GALLERY UPDATE, my hard work has finnally paid off, I smell a winner. Either way I'm going to get some kind of comments from the judges. The one I'm looking for is WOW. I'll explain my process tommorow. So come by then as well.
Mar. 01'02- GALLERY UPDATE, once again I'm going to enter the Kungfool colouring contest. Well it seems there can be no end to my spelling mistakes, its "Captain" not "Captian", just in case you were thinking it was the guys name. I could say that, and therefore no spelling mistake occured.
Feb. 28'02-I tried to get yesterdays comic up but I was having difficulty accessing the Keenspace server. Mind you all day it was accessable, but just when I want to update something, I can't get on. Next thing on my list this site, has reached 2 mile stones, one it beat the pervious best month's 1702, and two it surpassed the 2000 hits in one month goal that I had set a while ago. I know it's not a big goal, but still, it's just one more step on the way.
Feb. 27'02-Well yesterdays update didn't post, oh well. I'm going to finish last week Friday's comic today and start on this week's comic. Also up, is the next colouring contest for Kung Fool. Look for that to be coloured and the like to be done by Sat or Sun.
Feb. 26'02-Tommorow I have an exam, so I won't colour the comic today. But tommorow I'll have the comic coloured and done. Also I'll start working on the next pic in the Kunfool colouring contest. I'lll show you some of the steps I take, just so you can see that it does take a long time to colour, depending on how good you want the quality to be. Then I'll work on Fridays comic, but don't expect it to be up on Friday, if it's up on Friday a miracle happened.
Feb. 24'02- I'll keep this one short, first I'll do my best to get the comic up today, all be it in black and white and no words, I'll try to get the colouring done ASAP. But I have stupid things like exams keeping me from getting work done. Second thing GO CANADA GO, we are playing the states today.
Feb. 23'02- As you might have figured out today's comic will not be up today, rather than put up something half assed up, I'll do my best to put up the comic on Sunday. Mind you its been a busy week with exams and all, on a better note the results of the KungFool colouring contest are in, I recieved and was awarded HONOURABLE MENTION, (it doesn't show, but if you click on my pic you will see that I did in fact get honourable mention)yeah, not to shabby considering that was my first real contest I entered. Also on my agenda is the gallery section, rather than do original drawings that suck, I'm going to go with the lowest dinominator, which is taking popular anime characters and dressing them in skimpy out fits, and to avoid copyright crap they will look very similar, I'll leave it up to your imagination just who is who.
Feb. 21'02- Yesterdays gallery update will be up later today, work and exams and life got in the way. As for Fridays comic being up on Friday, as Steven Segal answered if he could take on a tiger, "Probably not." Most likely will be up on Saturday. Come back about 9pm EST and check out the gallery, no make that Atlantic Standard Time (AST).
Feb. 19'02- Sexlosers has moved back to keenspace, the link has been fixed, today or tommorw I'll put up a link or botton, so you can vote for me in the keenspace top 100. All it takes to make the top 50 is like 20 votes or something. Muahahahah, if i get even one I'll be happy. Gallery will be updated tommorow or Wednesday.
Feb. 18'02- As stated before Gallery Page has been updated, with 9 new images, well technically they are all similar. Tell me what you think about my colouring job. Also if you haven't noticed I have yet another spelling mistake in my comic, that what it happens when you do shit in the middle of the night. It should be "shortly" not "shorty", oh well I'm getting better. Next comic should be up on Friday if all goes well, Saturday latest.
Feb. 15'02- Long time no update, well there is on this week, sorry about that. Next on the agenda, I was going to make a special 5000 hits thing but i swear the hits just jumped like freaking mad so im going to make a special 10,000 hits image. Gallery will be updated on Sunday. I'm going to enter that kungfool colouring thing contest. I'm also going to put all previous updates on one page just to make some more room here.
Jan.. 28'02- The gallery section now has two new images. Please note that when Keenspace was upgrading I sent the same comic a bunch of times, in the hopes that it would show. Well they didn't but now if you click back to see the past comics you will see that it's the same one over a few times. So just keep hitting back and you will get to the right one. :-)
Jan.. 26'02- Better late then never like I have said before, Saturday is the latest one new comic will go up in the week. But look for one this Friday, if all goes according to plan. So far so good. The gallery will be updated every so often, look for updates here to see when.
Jan.. 22'02- Finnally the new comic is up, but it's condensed, if you save the image then view it later it will be the right size. One of the pics in the gallery section is not working either so I'm going to try to get that fixed too.
Jan.. 20'02- It better not take two days to move 13 spots in the queue. AutoKeen is not working so I'm going to try to update my comic manually, if no new comic is up then what I tried didn't work. In any case check out the GALLERY, it has NINE new images.
Jan.. 18'02- Keenspace has yet to post a single update that I have queued. But at least it's Friday and hopefully all the problems are fixed, mainly the updating.
Jan.. 14'02- It seems that Keenspace is updating the webpages but not the comic. So I'll try doing it manually, if all goes well Fridays comic will be shown.
Jan.. 13'02- Hopefully Keenspace fixed their server, it seems that pages take an extreme long time to update. One to two days, this is how ever temporary, hopefully by Friday all pains of moving will be fixed by then. So today I hope with great anticipation, that Fridays comic will show.
Jan.. 12'02- Believe it or not I had a filler strip but Keenspace is upgrading, so yesterday even though I posted the filler strip it never came up. Then today for a good part of it I couldn't log into the FTP server, so I couldn't make any upgrades even if I wanted to. I finished todays comic but it seems that when I tell Keenspace to update my page it doesn't update. Hopefully everything should be back to normal soon. :P
Jan.. 11'02- In any case, the comic will be up tommorow, sorry about that. Any ways check out the gallery section it has been updated several times this past week. I'll try to put something in the gallery every week as well, I'll go for two pics a week. Just a reminder, NEW COMIC TOMMOROW. Also if you haven't noticed by now I seem to have several spelling and grammer mistakes in my webpage. I'll correct them sometime later this week if you spot any please let me know so I can correct them, or you can just laugh at them.
Jan. 07'02- In case you have not noticed there have been some updates, first off, new comics (one season special and one regular), and new pics added to the gallery. But more importantly I've made some New Years Resolution to work on the comic, every week come hell or high water I'll put aside aleast one hour everyday to work on my comic. So that means I should have a comic up every Friday, Saturday the lastest. As for the delay some it was exams, mostly it was because I was a lazy bastard, but no more excuses, don't matter if I have to stay up all night to finish a comic, I'll do it.
Nov. 03'01- Haahahahh, look like I caught a fever and didn't work on my comics, I was having to go and do blood runs. If your into Diablo then you know what I'm talking about. Any ways, comic will be up tommorow or Monday lastest, also gallery has been updated.
Oct. 26'01-With one hour to spare, I've uploaded saturdays comic. In colour and before the day was up.
Oct. 25'01-I'm finally done all my exams. So that means I will start putting up comics asap. Look for one this Sat., also later this week I will post a new image in the gallery section some time next week.
Oct. 21'01- I posted a new comic now, today but I dont know if Keenspace will put it up, if not tommorow for sure. Look for another comic on Tue. as well I'm working on it now. Sorry about Friday exams eat up more time than you think.
Oct. 15'01-Terminology page has some terms now, will be updated about every other day. Look for a new comic on Oct. 19'01, or sooner.