Kill, Kill, Kill |
by Thomas Kovacik |
Vote for me in KeenSpace Top 99
Here are a list of quick links to my favorite comic sites, all are very good, have a look see. |
Dec. 18'03-Here is the fully inked and coloured version of the picuture that was on for the longest of time. If you would like to see the steps of the this drawing then have a look in the gallery section second page. I know the image is large for those with small resolutions but that is in order to perserve the detail of the image. Also of note this is not one of my characters but Hoshiko of Strage Candy, aka OO and Okashi Okashi(check quick link if you want to see this site). So there I gave credit where it is due.
Mar. 03'03-Last picture that you saw was my impression of Tokyo Milinaero put up just after New Years Day, but today as you can see I did an actual drawing, today I put up the pencil image, soon the inked version, tomorrow. Later I'll put up more pics, so you can see what I do and in what order.
Nov. 11'02-Really long time no update real reason no scanner, I do have some works that I want to work on. As soon as I get my scanner I'm going to post them up as works in progress and you can see what I do on my way to the finished product. Later.
June 28'02- Finished all my post university responsibilities. Found full time work, starting some time in Sept. Not working 3 jobs any more. Have time now to update. Lost many of you. Must work very hard to get people I lost back to this site.
May 22'02- Long time no update, that's the problem with doing 10 projects at once, you never make any progress. So instead I'm going to concentrate on one project at a time starting with my comic. In the mean time I'm going to show every one the wicked prize that I got by winning the colouring contest at Kungfool. So everyone enter the newest one, there is still time. Next comic up some time this week for sure, my first attempt at a multi-panel style.
May 05'02- Ever wonder what how people find my site, you'll be surprised by some of the weird things that apparently lead people to my site. Here are seven months worth of search strings Oct01 , Nov01, Dec01 , Jan02 , Feb02 , Mar02 , Apr02 . It seems it pays not to spell words right. Also news three more links to some good comics, 8-bit Theater, Poison Wind, and Life on Forbez.
May 04'02- Apparently autokeen does not work for me, so agian, I'm going to have to do all my updates manually. New comic up late, Tuesday will be the next one. Killing going to start soon. Other news, I was site of the moment on April 29'02 at Protean Comics. I've hit the big time when I become site of the moment on someone elses site, someone else out there likes my crap. Gallery will be updated tommorow.
May 02'02- Long time no update, but instead I'm busting my ass to draw a bunch of comics to bring in a new month with 2 comics a week. With maybe a scetch or random drawing in the week as well. As for hits the month of April was my best (best ever for a long time any way I predict) with a total of 51144 hits. But that was manly thanks to having my banner up on Kungfool for a few days. Also next on the agenda is a big overhaul of the layout of this page.